
In the weeks following the ultrasound appointment three calls to Amanda* went unanswered, as did a card. We continued in prayer for her and her child.

Ten weeks after that initial appointment a stressed young lady walked into the waiting room asking if she could talk to someone. After pulling her file, I realized this was the person for whom been praying. Amanda had returned that day, now in love with the 18 week baby living in her womb. Her stress and tears were guilt. This young lady was burdened with shame by the fact that she had considered aborting the baby who now entertained and amazed her with butterfly kisses on the inside. 

This young lady was a vivid example of how the evil one is at work in our world. This evil one beats up the moms who even consider his “product” sold as “the easy way out.” If you buy the “product” your gift with purchase may include medical, mental or emotional troubles. Window shop only for the “product” and fantasize about how your life would be better and your gift is guilt and condemnation for being a horrible enough person to even consider abortion. 

After we talked, I gave her 1 John 1:9 to hold onto, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” I assured her that Jesus’ death on the cross was enough to pay for all of the sin in this world. If Jesus’ sacrifice was enough for a Holy God to forgive us, how could it not be enough for us to forgive ourselves. 


Maybe you relate to Amanda and can’t forgive yourself. We would like to walk alongside of you and help you experience freedom from guilt and shame. Contact us for a confidential appointment: 812.941.0872. 

 Want to start from the beginning of the story. Click here. 

*name has been changed

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