
One day, a young lady, Amanda*, called the center. With a shaky voice she managed, “Can I get an ultrasound?” When she arrived for her appointment, she had a tear-stained face and her hands were shaking so much that she could barely sign the release form. Just after celebrating her daughter’s second birthday she began throwing up and thought she had caught a stomach bug from one of the many family members who had attended the party. The nausea continued over a week, mainly in the mornings. This made her get out her calendar and verify the date of her last cycle. In the busyness of caring for a two-year old, she had lost track. A home pregnancy test confirmed her fear – she was pregnant. 

Having had one abortion before the birth of her daughter, she knew how easy it was. She also knew how easy it wasn’t. On the surface she had pretended relief. Yet her heart had been torn from her chest that day, just as the child had been torn from her womb. The question came, “Could I live through that again? I just need to know my options.” She was looking for options and saw the word Choices in the yellow pages. 

. . . to be continued


Have you had an abortion or know someone who has? Need someone to talk to? Need a friend? Choices for Women hosts a confidential recovery group for abortion “survivors.” The Healing Choices group offers hope and healing dealing with post-abortion syndrome. Perhaps it isn’t you, but someone close to you who is struggling. If so, please share this information with them. Participation is free. Calls for information and attendance are strictly confidential: 812.941.0872. 


*name has been changed

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