Rosa’s story: You’re not alone

  Rosa felt so alone when she found out she was pregnant. Her boyfriend wanted her to get an abortion. Hear her story: Rosa’s Story.  Have you had an abortion or know someone who has? Need someone to talk to? Need a friend? Choices for Women hosts...

Gone Aren’t the Days of Gonorrhea

Gonorrhea isn’t something you often hear discussed. Yet, you may be at risk for this type of sexually transmitted disease. You may not know all the sexual encounters your partner has had. Be informed and gain peace of mind. Come in and get tested today. We offer...

Word gets around: we’re here to help you!

A nervous young woman came in with a friend by her side. She was sure she was pregnant and her friend was sure we could help her. As it turned out, this friend was not a client, but had another friend whom we had helped. The word got around that if you...

Why being an involved dad is important

With your partner going through the pregnancy and giving birth, it may seem like your role isn’t very important. On the contrary, being a child’s dad is more important than you think! Click here to discover more reasons why your role is unique and...

What should I pack in my diaper bag?

  Discover what items should make the cut from your house and into the diaper bag. Here’s the checklist.  Give us a call for more information about our parenting classes: 812.941.0872     Photo by iStock