I’ll deal with the broken heart later

  When thinking about having an abortion, this young woman shares how she was in robotic mode. She couldn’t think about what she was actually doing to the baby or the consequences later. Hear her story here. Have you had an abortion or know...

I got hepa-what?

  Hepatitis C Virus isn’t a wait and see kind of issue. If symptoms show up, they may not appear until weeks or even months after your exposure. Don’t wait and see. If you’re sexually active: Get tested today. Call for an appointment:...

Amanda’s story – conclusion

In the weeks following the ultrasound appointment three calls to Amanda* went unanswered, as did a card. We continued in prayer for her and her child. Ten weeks after that initial appointment a stressed young lady walked into the waiting room asking if she could talk...

ManUP: Be courageous

We’re here for you too, yes, you — the teen guy who doesn’t know what to do. Maybe your girlfriend is pregnant. Maybe you’re scared you have an STD. Take a step of courage. Contact us for a confidential appointment: 812.941.0872.

Behind the scenes at Choices: We’re here for you

Here is a sneak peek at what happens at Choices For Women. Just like the teen moms in the video, we want to walk alongside you. Call us to make a confidential appointment or ask about the classes we offer: 812.941.0872.