What’s a Guy to do?
So she just told you the news – she thinks she might be pregnant. We can walk with you through the decision-making process, but in the meantime, here is some quick advice that might help:
The Do’s
Listen. The situation involves more than just you. There are now three lives to think about.
- Listen. The situation involves more than just you. There are now three lives to think about.
- Stay Calm. She needs your support now more than ever. She may be carrying the baby, but you are BOTH parents, and regardless of your relationship in the future, that baby needs you too.
- Talk about it – not only with each other, but prepare to talk with parents and others close to the situation. Hiding the news from people who can genuinely help you only increases the stress.
- Gather all the facts. Get all the information and seek wise counsel so you can make the best decision for both of you.
- Express yourself honestly – it’s normal to have feelings of anger, frustration and fear. But make sure she knows she is not alone.
- Check out the Adoption and Parenting resources available. If you choose parenting, we have a program led by dads for dad.
- Call Choices for Women (we like guys too!) at 812-941-0872 to schedule a free and confidential appointment (with or without her).
The Don’ts
- Don’t bail. She needs you and you need to be a man. Running will only make the situation worse.
- Don’t pressure her. Applying pressure will only push her away, possibly into a regretful situation. You will do well to work together as a team.
- Don’t forget. You have a very active role in this situation. Listen to input as well as give your thoughts.
Fatherhood Resources
Being a Dad is hard work. We have a program specifically designed to help you be the best Dad possible. Whether you continue in a relationship with the mother of your baby or not, that little person needs you. Our male mentors will offer training and advice on relationships and parenting. Call 812.941.0872 for more information about our ManUP – Elevating Fatherhood Program.
STD/STI Screening and Treatment
Choices for woMEN offers STD/STI screening and treatment for men and women. Testing is free, but client may be responsible for lab fees. Indiana Medicaid and private insurance accepted.
Call 812.941.0872 for a confidential consultation and appointment.