Abortion Information

Pre-Abortion Screening Indiana

Choices Life Resource Center understands the difficulty of facing an unexpected pregnancy. Perhaps you’re considering taking the abortion pill, you may have already called an abortion clinic. Take time to learn more about abortion and your options. Visit our free and confidential women’s center in New Albany, Corydon, and Salem.


Pre-Abortion Screening

What to do before an abortion

We provide free and confidential Pre-Abortion Screening. If you’re considering abortion and you live in Indiana there are several things you can do before an abortion right here in our state.


If you live in Indiana and you are considering abortion you are probably unsure what to do with the new abortion laws. Talk to our medical professionals that clearly understand the abortion laws and what they mean for you. We can answer any questions you have and help you learn more about your options.


An ultrasound can cost an additional $200-$400 dollars if it’s not covered by insurance. Our centers offer limited obstetric ultrasounds free of charge and we never ask for your insurance. An ultrasound will help you learn more about your pregnancy and each of your options.

  • Do an ultrasound exam to date the pregnancy and check that it’s not outside the uterus (ectopic pregnancy) and not a tumor that developed in the uterus (molar pregnancy).1
  • Find out if your pregnancy is viable. About 10 to 20 percent of known pregnancies end in miscarriage but the actual number is likely higher because many miscarriages occur very early in pregnancy.2


By getting free pre-abortion screening and an ultrasound exam before an abortion, you learn more about the following:


Before taking the abortion pill you will need to know exactly how far along you are and a few other things as well. We can help learn more about your pregnancy and if the abortion pill is an option for you with our free ultrasound services.

Medical abortion isn’t an option if you:3

  • Are too far along in your pregnancy. You shouldn’t attempt a medical abortion if you’ve been pregnant for more than nine weeks (after the start of your last period). Some types of medical abortion aren’t done after seven weeks of pregnancy.
  • Have an intrauterine device (IUD) currently in place.
  • Have a suspected pregnancy outside of the uterus. This is called ectopic pregnancy.
  • Have certain medical conditions. These include bleeding disorders; certain heart or blood vessel diseases; severe liver, kidney or lung disease; or an uncontrolled seizure disorder.
  • Take a blood thinner or certain steroid medicines.
  • Can’t make follow-up visits to your provider or don’t have access to emergency care.
  • Have an allergy to the medicine used.


If you can’t have a medical abortion, a surgical procedure called a dilation and curettage (D&C) may be an option. But before you travel out of state for a surgical abortion procedure, find out how far along in pregnancy you are with our free ultrasound services. This information will help determine the type of abortion procedure(s) available to you, allowing you to have the information needed when calling abortion providers. Learning what type of abortion procedure would be required will determine where you need to travel to in order to get that procedure.

Save yourself money and travel time with our free pre-abortion screening services. All of our services are 100% free and confidential. We exist to provide accurate medical information and support to women and men facing an unplanned pregnancy in Indiana.

What if I change my mind?

Sometimes, it just doesn’t hit you until you are there and the procedure is about to start. You suddenly realize: ”I don’t want to do this!”


For a woman who has decided to have a surgical abortion-whether it’s an early aspiration, or a later term D&E, she is free to change her mind up UNTIL the moment that the surgical procedure begins. Maybe you paid your deposit, or you had laminaria placed in your cervix, but you can still change your mind. What if you’re laying on the exam table and the abortion doctor has numbed your cervix, but hasn’t put any instruments into your cervix, you can still say “no” and get up off the table and leave. It is your body, it is still your choice. But once the instruments are in your uterus and the suction is turned on: it’s too late.


The Abortion Pill, aka Mifeprex, mifepristone. The first drug in the Abortion Pill Protocol is called mifepristone. Mifepristone blocks progesterone, which is needed to sustain a growing pregnancy. A new protocol, known as the Abortion Pill Reversal, has been developed that uses natural progesterone to reverse the abortion and rescue the pregnancy. Recent studies have shown a success rate above 60% if the progesterone is started within 72 hours of taking the first abortion pill. It may not be too late, for more information, call 877-558-0333 or visit: theabortionpillreversal.com.

Know your options. Be educated.