Sept Blog smOn a dreary Tuesday morning Sara* walked in for a pregnancy test.

Feeling pressured by a full college class schedule and potential parental shame, she believed abortion was her most logical choice. After meeting with the volunteer counselor, Sara was still conflicted, but agreed to return in the evening when the ultrasound tech would be here.

When she returned that evening, her boyfriend, Joe, was with her. They were both noticeably shaken and apprehensive. Once in the ultrasound room the tech took some measurements and then pointed to the screen. She said, “That flash you see is the baby’s heartbeat.” Sara asked, “You can see the baby’s heartbeat?” Joe spoke up, “We are seeing OUR baby’s heartbeat!” By the gracious care of a volunteer counselor, a kind and proficient ultrasound technician and the grace of God, this child was saved. The young parents enrolled in the Earn While You Learn Program and have since welcomed their daughter into the world.

*name has been changed

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