How will I tell my parents?

How did you have this tough conversation? Want to share your story? Join the conversation on Twitter or Instagram: @mychoices4w Or need help having tough conversations. We’re here. Call us for a confidential appointment and together we’ll walk through the...

Freebie Friday: Tips for morning sickness

We’re here to help, even when you’re not feeling like yourself. Contact us for a confidential appointment: 812.941.0872. If you’re feeling queasy? Here are some tips to help you survive morning sickness: Cures for morning sickness   Photo by...

Trick or treat . . . Herpes

This is no treat. Herpes can disguise itself and cause more health issues. Even after one sexual encounter there is a possibility you could have herpes. Contact us for a confidential appointment and get tested: 812.941.0872.  Click here for more...

Amanda’s story — part two

To read part one of Amanda’s story click here. The ultrasound revealed the tiny beating heart of a tiny 8-week-old person. Now Amanda’s* heart was even more divided. A heartbeat means life, right? Yet, she had her two-year-old to consider. She was barely...