Join us in our kitchen

Did you know, Choices For Women hosts cooking classes at least once a month in their facility? These classes give young men and women practical skills to use to provide good meals for their families on a budget. Call for more information: 812.941.0872. 

Am I at risk?

  No one thinks it will happen to them — STDs. We’re here to help. Contact us at 812.941.0872 to make an appointment for FREE STD/STI testing. Click here for more info. 

Kristen’s Story

Kristen* started coming to Choices For Women early in her pregnancy. From the beginning, she made almost no eye contact. Kristen seemed disconnected from us and from her developing baby, but she came back every week. Her mentor took her through a program called “The...

Time to ManUP

        She told you she’s pregnant. Your instinct is to run — too much responsibility. Yet, when you heard the heartbeat. Nothing could compare to that moment. How can you become the kind of dad this child needs? At Choices For Women we...