Behind the scenes at Choices: Safe sleep matters

Where a baby sleeps is important. Maybe more important than you think. We would like to partner with you to acquire the right type of bed for your infant. We’re here for you: 812.941.0872 Here is more information about bedtime basics for infants: Click...

Are you ready for sex?

Sex is a big deal. It is so much more than “Netflix and chill”, something to do because you’re bored or having sex because everyone else at school is hooking up. Sex is a gift. It is special. It goes much deeper than the physical. It’s...

Freebie Friday: Foods to avoid

Here’s your Freebie for Friday. When you’re pregnant there are certain foods you need to avoid. Here’s an infographic to help you make wise and healthy decisions about what you’re eating:  Want more info? Click here.  Infographic...

How will I do this alone?

You don’t have to do this alone. We’re here to help. Contact us at 812.941.0872.   Portions of video content by iStock  

How many people have you slept with?

2: Represents you (1) and your partner (+1 = 2) n: Represents you and your current partner’s number of exposure (this is a compounding  number – assuming that each person you have had sex with has the exact same number of partners as you) 1: Represents your...